Proving Predeterminism, or Why Actuality Is Certainly Actual (141-158)

Ward Blondé

ABSTRACT: I define predeterminism as the claim that what is actual is actual with certainty, and provide a proof of it in this paper. Predeterminism solves a major problem: modal realism’s probability distributions for selecting the actual world from all the possible worlds, are either arbitrary, because they are not unique, or they do not sum up to one. This problem is solved by replacing modal realism with a set-theoretic plenitude subjected to cosmological natural selection. Essentially, because worlds reproduce with unequal success, and because there are so many of them in the plenitude, worlds outnumber and outweigh each other with infinite factors. An infinitely growing sequence of worlds, or a world life, comes out as the unique champion in this evolutionary competition and is certainly actual. The proof uses the ideas that the probability to be actual for a world is proportional to its size, age, and abundance, and that all the possible worlds are set-theoretically well-ordered by cosmological natural selection.

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