The Hidden Future (pages 9-10)
Author: Alex Blum
Keywords: cannot be , omnipotence , omniscience , true , truth-value
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From the Dissolution of the Anima to the End of All Things (The Question of Death in Poetry and Gothic Music) (pages 11-19)
Author: Ștefan Bolea
Keywords: death of the anima , death-in-life , Gothic Metal music , Liebestod , nihilist poetry , personal apocalypse , romanticism , symbolism
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Third World Themes in the International Politics of the Ceaușescu Regime or the International Affirmation of the ‘Socialist Nation’ (pages 21-40)
Author: Emanuel Ciocianu-Copilaș
Keywords: ‘group of 77’ , blackness , consciencism , Maoism , national-communism , neo-colonialism , pragmatism
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Parental Leave Provision in Romania between Inherited Tendencies and Legislative Adjustments (pages 41-57)
Author: Anca Dohotariu
Keywords: Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) , childcare provision , family policies , parental leave , Romania
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Declaring the Self and the Social: Intellectual Responsibility and the Politics of the Cognitive Self (pages 59-76)
Author: Rizalino Noble Malabed
Keywords: cognitive self , intellectual responsibility , politics , Searle , Sokolowski , virtue epistemology
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Reading “On Time and Being” (1962) to Construct the ‘Missing’ Division III of Being and Time – or ‘time and Being’ – (1927) (pages 77-89)
Author: Rajesh Sampath
Keywords: Being and Time , Heidegger , metaphysics , onto-theology , ontology , phenomenology
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Information about authors (pages 91-92)
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